Outsourcing Links

Outsourcing is an ever changing beast. There are some great North American sources for finding good talent. You can also go overseas for good help. Unfortunately the overseas outsourcing companies come and go frequently. We will try to update these links when new information is provided.


Fiverr is a great place to pick up some quick help at a low cost. I would recommend you visit the site and than check things out first. Then pick a work type you could use and search for people that will do that work. You will see that each Fiverr contractor has ratings beside them. These reviews and ratings are a very good way to find a good contractor. Since the cost is relatively low, you can afford to hire a couple “gigs” as they call them to complete your work. You can then compare the results and in some cases keep both on staff. If you have a special talent you can add your name as a contractor


Freelancer has quality contractors that can get the job done. You can get quotes before you hire. More expensive than Fiverr but the the contractors tend to be more experienced than the contractors at Fiverr. You just have to pay for it. If it helps you make more sales than just make sure it pays for itself when doing your accounting.


Upwork is another freelance worker database.

Phil-Am Outsourcing Solutions

An overseas outsourcing broker for workers. We have not used them but they did come recommended. When dealing with overseas firms you need to research how they handling payments and confirming the work is done and approved before payment is released. Be careful when dealing with any outsourcing firm.

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