Copy Writing

We cover this topic in another area of this website but it is well worth reviewing here. Writing your sales copy is very important and every dollar you invest in yourself in this area will pay you big dividends. If you are just starting in sales and marketing, focus on this area first. Building your copy writing skills is a priority.


A great place to start your training. We have taken a few of their courses and highly recommend them to all.

The Gary Halbert Letter

Gary Halbert is a legend in the copy writing business. The Gary Halbert Letter is a great place to begin your copy writing journey. His style and techniques are ground breaking and even today are still used in many direct mail pieces.


Another great place to find training in all levels. From a beginner right to a seasonal pro. Great free trail on their newsletter, make sure you grab this.

Gary Bencivenga Marketing Bullets

A well know copy writer that offers a email tips program, worth being on his mailing list.


One of the best places to take a quick course on your own time.  Course are available on every thing you can imaging, copy writing being once of them. They even allow reviews of the courses and this can help save you some serious money.

Bob Bly

Another legendary copy writer willing to help you learn his trade.

Ted Nicholas

What can I say about this man? He too has become a master of his trade. You can’t help  but learn great things from reading his material and courses.

Marketing Rebel

Stan Dahl writes the Marketing Rebel and is an excellent copy writing trainer.

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