Sage Info-Marketing Advice From A Marketing Legend Ahead Of His Time!

The folks at GKIC have another great blog post on an advertising great. I won’t give away the person just yet, but his teachings have been around for decades. Reading his books and practicing his systems and processes can only increase your marketing results. Every great marketer studies from the greats. Trying to get just a little of the masters techniques to rub off on them.

The art of advertising is an ongoing lesson from the first ad you right until you sell or retire from the business world. Never stop learning about advertising, copy writing, headline writing and content creations. This skill set will make you more profit than almost any other part of your business expertise. I continue to read and re-read the materials I have bought and studied over the years.

Learn from the experts and you shall eventually become an expert.

Sage Info-Marketing Advice From A Marketing Legend Ahead Of His Time!

He sold stoves to nuns, drunkards, and everyone in between…

“Now, You Can Learn The Secrets of Writing Headlines That Sell From His Vault of Blockbuster Ads!”

Hidden in ads, is a ‘Secret Selling Formula’ proven to skyrocket your sales…

Read on To Double, Triple Even Quadruple Your Turnover…

If you want your business to explode out of the gate with maximum success then keep reading because you’re about to experience.

A secret selling formula responsible for making business owners, entrepreneurs and info-marketers seriously wealthy!

And this selling formula has worked in many different markets, such as:

• Motor vehicles
• Oil
• Clothing
• Beauty
• Finance
• B2B
• Travel
• Food
• Hotels
• And has done so for years

Since everyone else in the INFO MARKETING space are using the same marketing tricks and lame gimmicks…

There has NEVER been a more important time to STAND OUT from the noise and get your messages read and acted on.

The proven, time-tested way to grab your prospects attention and turning them into customers (buying from you) is through the written word.

Introducing copywriting!

Mores specifically, direct-response copy!

So what is direct-response copy and why should you care?

Direct-response copy is basically copy designed to lead the reader to a buying decision immediately.

You see, writing copy is the most profitable and useful skill any business owner, entrepreneur, and info-marketer can master.

If you want to increase your response from an advert in a local paper…

If you want to increase your response from an online blog post…

If you want to increase your response from website visitors…

Having the ability to produce good copy can make you wealthy!

Not only do you need to learn about writing good copy for:

• Email marketing
• Free reports
• Blogs
• Web copy
• Press releases
• Direct mail
• Flyers
• Business cards
• And more

You also need to be able to SPOT good copy at a glance.

Why you may ask?

There may come a time in your business that you have to outsource copy projects…

This could be due to business growth.

You may pass this work to someone in your office

Maybe a freelancer…

Or even hire an agency…

You’ll want to know if the copy meets your high standards.

That’s why we’re going to explore the world of direct response copy…

…And who better to give you a lesson for boosting conversions and multiplying sales than the remarkable David Ogilvy. He was an marketing legend ahead of his time!

In case you’re not familiar with David Ogilvy, he built an advertising empire, known today as Ogilvy and Mather!

In his agency’s first twenty years, Ogilvy won assignments from Lever Brothers, General Foods and American Express.

Shell gave him their entire account in North America. Sears hired him for their first national advertising campaign.

“I doubt whether any copywriter has ever had so many winners in such a short period of time,” Says David Ogilvy.

Around 1965, Ogilvy formed a new international company. One year later the company went public. Soon Ogilvy & Mather had expanded around the world and was firmly in place as one of the top agencies for hire!

To Sell More, Earn More, and Build a Truly Successful Infobusiness in Any Market.

We’re going to look at the mechanics behind some of his remarkable ads, so you can add them to your swipe file, use for inspiration, and start to think like David Ogilvy when you write copy.

David Ogilvy’s says this was the best headline he ever wrote…

Not only was this headline a huge success for Rolls Royce. David Ogilvy mentions that Shell put Ogilvy’s agency on the list of agencies that they were considering because his Rolls-Royce advertising impressed them!

Shell Oil Ad

Marketing lesson 7 – By getting your content out there, you NEVER know who could be reading! And just like Ogilvy, you may attract your ideal customer without looking for them!

Let’s Take A Look At His Dove soap Ad

Can you see how he uses a strong picture of his target market?

And the headline copy is in a conversational tone.

Could you model the style of this ad in your business?

Can you start thinking what conversations your customers and prospects are having? Then when you tie that into your copy it can make it powerful.

In the next ad Ogilvy uses a strong picture with a short headline. Yet this ad is extremely targeted and very powerful!

I’m sure you’ve come across the term pattern interrupt?

If not, a pattern interrupt is a way to change a person’s state or strategy.

We all have behavior patterns that are habit sequences or mental pathways. It is also a great way to induce trance.

Marketers like Frank Kern have been known to use pattern interrupts in copy to GRAB attention in a crowded market.

Well, can you spot how Ogilvy uses it in this ad?

Can you spot it?

Yes, it’s the eye patch!

Let’s take a look at how you can write some compelling headlines for your business.

As Ogilvy says:

So how do you approach writing a headline?

Research – This is the most important part of creating a winning headline. You need to put yourself in your ideal customers shoes. Imagine what they are thinking. Imagine what keeps them awake at night. You need to read what they read. A good starting point is checking out the forums that your ideal customers hang out. This may give you some clues to how they talk and what interests them.

Benefits To Reader – Ask yourself does your headline offer your reader benefits. The more you can cram in the better!

Interesting – does it peak curiosity? – This is very important. If your headline doesn’t stand out, it will get lost in all the online noise screaming for your customer’s attention.

Here’s what Ogilvy says: “What do work are photographs which arouse the reader’s curiosity.” He glances at the photograph and says to himself, “What goes on here?” Then he reads your copy to find out. This is the trap to set.

Problem/Solution – what problem are you addressing and what solution are you offering your customers?

Guarantee – how will you guarantee your product or service? Money back? free trial for X days?

With that said, here are five headline templates you can model to grab your prospects attention…

The “If-Then” Headline.

Example: If You Can Read A Magazine, You Can Write Better Headlines!

Example: If You Can Use A Keyboard, You Can Write Copy!

Example: If You Can Use Your iPhone Camera, You Can Record Sales Videos!

The “How-To” Headline.

Example: How To Write Headlines That Sell

Example: How To Collect Sales Letters That Sell

Example: How To Double, Triple Even Quadruple Sales

The “Reason-Why” Headline.

Example: 5 Reasons You Should Be Focusing On Your Headlines

Example: The Reason Why Your Copywriting Needs These Powerful Bullets

The “Question” Headline

Example: Do you make these mistakes with your headlines?

Example: Do Have The Courage To Write Million Dollar Headlines?

The “Who Else Wants” Headline

Example: Who else wants to write headlines that sell?

Example: Who else wants to own a 10 million dollar swipe file

Example: Who else wants to become an Internet millionaire!

Now it’s time for you to




If You’d Like To Multiply Sales, Boost Profits And Increase Productivity…

You also need to start building your own swipe file today. (If you have, that’s great keep up the good work) And it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg to do it!

So what’s a swipe file?

It’s where you collect tested and proven adverts, sales letters and emails.

You can also check out our vault of proven swipe copy here!

You can study your swipe file and refer to them for ideas when creating your own sales materials.

What’s amazing about owning a swipe file is its perfect to refer to, no matter what you want to sell—books, newsletters, cars, DVDs, memberships, financial advice, e-books, beauty products… almost anything in INFO MARKETING!

Owning the right swipe file is priceless, and I guarantee you’ve never seen those ads from anyone else, ever, no matter how many ads you’ve read or collected!

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