Becoming a Better Writer Will Help You Grow Your Business. Here Are 4 Ways to Do It

Writing is tough, even for the best writers. Sitting down in front of a blank computer screen and typing something is a daunting task. Some days it comes easy, others, I can’t type a sentence.  Robbie writes about some simple techniques that you can use to help make the task easier.

Write as if you are speaking to a person. Good advice, I have used this one technique as my primary method of writing. Do not try to be someone you are not. Write from your gut, as if you are talking to someone who asked you to explain your topic.

Becoming a Better Writer Will Help You Grow Your Business. Here Are 4 Ways to Do It

CREDIT: Getty Images Photo by: Getty Images

I was the world’s worst writer. When I first decided to write publicly, the only comments I received were comments from people correcting my grammar.

The comments were brutal, too.

Someone once went on a five-paragraph rant about how bad of a writer I was. Someone took an hour out of their day to tell them how much they hated me.

I used those comments as fuel to get better at writing. My grammar never got any better, but my writing sure did.

So, let’s say that you’re looking to become a better writer.

Maybe you want to write to become influential online, or you’re looking to write a book.

There are several excellent reasons to become a better writer. Here are four ways to do it overnight:

1. Write the way you talk. It will help you convert online customers to offline relationships.

If you’ve never met me before, I want you to know that I write the way I talk. I’ll admit it’s a bit informal and if we’ve ever met in real-life, you wouldn’t be too shocked to hear me speak.

Writing the way I talk has helped me grow my business in a tangible way. Every time I meet with a potential client, they already have a great idea of what type of person I am through my writing.

The same goes for you and your business. The closer your writing is to your authentic self, the more likely customers will reach out to you and build relationships with you and your team.

There’s no golden rule that writing needs to flow a certain way. The only “rules” that exist are grammar-related.

Ask yourself, “Would I say this in real life?”

If the answer is no, cut it.

If you’re sarcastic in real life, it’s okay to be sarcastic in your writing.

If you’re mean in real life, it’s probably best you stay at home and wait until you have something positive to say.

See? That’s also something I’d say in real life.

2. Avoid over-editing your writing to death.

How many articles have you written that are still in draft?

I’ve seen first-hand articles never make it to production because of multiple edits. By the time the edits are done, the entire purpose of the article changed.

Instead of focusing on editing, focus on writing consistently.

Writing consistently and publishing on social media will do wonders for your business. It allows your customers to understand your point of view and also drive awareness to your brand.

The more you edit, the less likely the article will make it to production which is bad for you and your business.

3. Write about how you really feel. Don’t be stuck in the middle. Your customers appreciate authenticity.

Let’s say you’re writing an article about oranges. A boring article tells me five pros and cons of eating an orange.

I don’t want to read that.

Tell me why you hate oranges. Tell me why everyone should stop eating oranges and why it’s your life’s mission to end oranges.

Tell me why as a child your mother forced you to eat an orange a day and now you can’t stand looking at them. Tell me how you wish you there was an orange crisis and multiple farmers had to go bankrupt because of it.You get the point.

Be real with your writing. Don’t write to please. Write to tell your audience how you feel.

If you’re looking to grow your business, it’s important that they understand the founders are real and are brave enough to share their stories. It’s a great way to build brand equity.

4. Cut the fluff and be direct. Tell your customers exactly what they’ll get by working with you.

Have you ever got a cold email from someone and they start with some preamble before they tell you what they want from you?

The email usually goes something like this: “As you know, marketers are busier than ever, and the need for marketing has grown 90 percent over the past three years.”

Nothing makes me delete an email faster than that sentence.

Cut the preamble out and tell the audience what you want them to know.

If you’re writing a cold email, it could be: “Hi John — I’ve helped three of your competitors grow 50 percent revenue through email marketing in one year. I think I can help you too. Interested in talking?”

That’s a much better email to write.

Get to what you want to say and cut everything out.

tIn the end, writing requires practice like everything else in the world.

If you want to become a writer, just know that if I can become a writer, so can you.

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