We are always looking for ways to help you find useful resources for your business. Images are some of the tough things that we must find.
Courtney shares 24 places where you can find free images. She also shares a great definition of what your rights are when using them.
24+ Sites to Find Free Images You Would Actually Use for Your Marketing
- By Courtney Seiter, blog.bufferapp.com
- View Original

Here at Buffer, we think a lot about visual content.
We’ve shared our own study on the importance of images in Twitter posts for more social sharing. We’ve explored tools that help anyone create visual content. Our social media management tool incorporates image posting because we know how important that element is to engage your followers and fans.
But there’s one question we get asked quite often: Where can you find free images that are high quality and cleared to use for your blog posts or social media content?
It’s a question with a lot of different answers and caveats. Nearly every image created in the last 30 years is still protected by copyright—a protection that gives virtually every author the exclusive right to use or reproduce their work. But you can find a public domain photo, use a Creative Commons image that might need attribution, or even create your own image from scratch.
In this post, we’ll share more than 20