You Tube, Facebook, Google The big 3

 The Big 3: Google, Facebook and YouTube

I am sure you have heard of these three names? You would be hiding in a cave if you can honestly say you have not heard of at least one of these names.

Each is a critical turning point on the internet. Making the internet a necessary part of our daily lives.

If you own a computer or a smart phone I suspect, you use at least one of these services every time you turn on your personal device. They have become a part of all of us just like TV and Radio did.

Google started things off

Google is a search engine that searches the whole internet for the answer to your questions. It uses a series of algorithms to make this happen in milliseconds. These algorithms are updated almost every year and sometimes two or three times in a year.

Google prides itself on providing you with a learning experience and wants to help answer any question your mind can think of, on every imaginable subject.

Google then learned how to make money from offering this FREE services. Simply put, they began allowing advertising on their search engine. Advertising has paid for many things and also makes hundreds of millions of dollars for companies that have learned to master the art of advertising. Google fits this bill

Learn how to advertise on Google as it is a great source of new business

Google is but one avenue you can use to advertise and market your products and services. Learning how to use this medium is important as the same technique can be used on all of the big three services.

Key Word ads are the basis of advertising on these services. You choose the key words that best describes your product or service and then bid on them with each service. The higher your bid the more times your ad will be shown to people using their service.

The service uses the key word to focus in on your potential prospect. When someone types in your key words, your ads are shown to them in and around the web page they are currently looking at.

In exchange for this you pay the service a fee for each impression they make on your behalf. You can choose how much to spend each day and they will show that many impressions until they reach your budget. You determine how long your ads run based on your budget and testing.

Facebook provide the same service but a more personal experience

Facebook arrived on the scene first, as a method to socialize with people that shared the same ideas and desires as you. Allowing you to share your personal experiences with anyone that you wanted to “FRIEND”.

A “friend” is someone you want to add to your group who you want to share your experiences with. Once you allow them into your group, you will share everything with them and they will share with you.

I am not saying this will always be a great thing, but it does allow you to keep a line of communication open with your current family and friend and your past ones and now customers.

As Facebook grew so did their advertising revenue

Using the same Key Word process, Facebook learned to profit from all this communication. Over the last decade, they to have mastered this medium just like Google.

Facebook has a more focused capability than Google. You can define the market in great detail when setting up your advertising campaign. You can choose the many ways to define your market with Facebook. This allows you to drill down to a very specific group of people.

With this kind of focus, your chances of gaining a new prospect or client are great. Your ad message can be presented to them when they are using your Key Words.

You can Re-target with Facebook

Re-targeting means that when a prospect clicks on your ad you place a little program on their computer that notifies Facebook that they are back online. When they are back online Face book will pull up your ads once again to try and convince them to buy.

You can make a new ad to serve to them using re-targeting or you can use the same ad you started with. Either way you get to have a second and third chance to make them a client or customer.

Facebook grows bigger every day

As more people gain access to the internet worldwide the members of Facebook continues to grow. This makes this medium a great place to test your products and services. Find out ads that work and then start testing on other mediums.

The cost to test is lower than direct mail and some other internet testing. Use the big three services to test your offers and ads. Once you find a winner, test it on the other 2. IF it works on all three you have a serious winner on your hands and you should sit down and design a program to implement as many of the mediums as you can to build your clients and your lists.

As previously discussed lists of prospect and of paying clients are your most precious asset as a business person. All your activities should be focused on building these lists and relationships.

YouTube gives you a video experience

Everyone likes to be entertained or informed and video is the newest way to do this. YouTube uses videos that you create and then host them for the world to see and to share.

These videos can be used to sell your products and services.  You can host a single video or you can request a channel for all your videos. A channel allows you to store all your videos in one area. When a client views a video on your channel, they can see other videos that you have made. These videos can further promote your business

Make your own little TV station

Set up your own channel and you can have recorded videos on all your products and services. Your videos can be a full presentation of your product or service. You can use slides and narration or in person videos. Be as creative as you can imagine. Unique and entertaining is an added bonus to a good offer. Use every advantage you can get to get you message across to your prospects and customers.

You can direct your prospects or customers through a series of videos. Use videos for selling and training and for troubleshooting. A series of videos helps establish your professionalism.

People love to watch videos

Do we really have to say this? Look in the mirror and I bet you like to watch TV sometimes. Videos are the same thing without commercials. Well maybe without commercials, YouTube is learning how to add commercials into videos now.

Make it entertaining and you can capture the attention of your prospects. While you entertain, you can sell and demonstrate your product or service and the results your customers get when dealing with you.

Demonstrate the results

Use video to give a story, with a problem to begin, then your service fixing the problem. If you can build a story, do it. Have fun and think wild and entertaining methods to tell the world what you do and what you sell.

Learn how to make your own or contract it out.

You have a choice, you can learn to make your own videos or you can outsource the job to people with experience. Outsourcing cost money but can save time in the long run and allow you to start making money sooner.

You can find help in just about every subject you can think of, from building to writing to financing you can find it on the internet. Use the search engines Google and Bing to start your search then move on from there.

Videos are a big part of the future of selling

The new access to making videos at a reasonable investment makes this medium the next big thing for selling and training. I recommend you learn everything you can about it and when possible adopt it in your marketing program and goals.

If you don’t adopt, your competition will

We hear this statement way too often but these days it is a very real threat. By the time you read this, more mediums for advertising will be starting and we will adapt once again. Videos will be part of the future for a long period.

All businesses will be invited to try new advertising methods by some young and enthusiastic entrepreneur. Your competition will eventually get this opportunity and if they start first, you lose that edge.

Figure out at least 2 to 3 ideas that you could make a short video on

Come up with some ideas that you can make one or two videos on. Your sales presentation or training them to use your service or product.  What can you make for the first video?

Check the resources listed here to help you learn more about videos and how to use them.