Internet Links

There are some many different companies that we can refer you to. As this site grows we will continue to add reliable companies to help you with your business. We wlecome your input on the subject as well. Contact us at

e Commerce Store Hosting Sites


Shopify is one of the best known websites for hosting your retail shop on the internet. Easy to set up and and run. Hundreds of applications that have been built to work with this platform. When you have that kind of support from application programmers you can be sure the platform is  good. If you plan on selling multiple lines of products or even two or three lines of products. Having a store on the Internet is an important step. Free Trial available as well.

Big Commerce

Big Commerce is another big player in the e Commerce platform. They are not as big as Shopify but they are a well known choice for hosting your stores.


EBay is a well known market place to sell all kinds of items. Over the years it has developed into a great place to test market products and to  sell on a smaller more personal scale. Great for small businesses jsut getting started. Easy to join and quick to start selling with.

Amazon Associates

Amazon is a giant, a great place to sell your products to a worldwide market if you like. Becoming an Associate is the first step. You can then build a site or add products directly to your site. If a customer clicks on the link they are sent to the Amazon site to complete the sale. You are then paid a commission on the sale. An easy way to get started making money on the internet.