
Sales Training


This is what this book and the websites are all about, resources. Where you can go to learn more and to train to get better at your skill and trade.

Many of the courses and books that you will find are the same ones that I used to help me build my businesses. I normally make comments and opinions when I have used a course or book or website. I like to be able to tell you about my experience and how it helped me and of course how it can help you.

Recommended Reading:

Zig Ziglar:

Secrets of closing the Sale  Zig Ziglar

Over The Top  Zig Ziglar

Brian Tracy:

Advance Selling Techniques Brian Tracy

Tom Hopkins:

How to Master the Art of Selling  Tom Hopkins

Selling for Dummies Tom Hopkins

Harvey McKay:

Swim with the Sharks  Harvey Mackay

Dig your well before you’re thirsty  Harvey Mackay

Dan Kennedy:

The Ultimate Sales Letter  Dan Kennedy

No B.S. Direct Marketing  Dan Kennedy

No B.S. Price Strategy  Dan Kennedy

The Direct Mail Solution  Dan Kennedy

Jack Canfield:

The Success Principles  Jack Canfield

Bill Cates:

Don’t keep me a secret  Bill Cates

Beyond Referrals  Bill Cates

Jeffery Gitomer:

Little Red Book of Selling  Jeffery Gitomer

The Sales Bible  Jeffery Gitomer


Recommended Training Course:

Zig Ziglar Training

Tom Hopkins Training

Dan Kennedy and GKIC training


Recommended Sales Aids




Manual Aids:


Daytimer Leather Starter kit